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Molecular Haematology
Short Description : Molecular Haematology information page
Also known as : [Diagnostic Genetics - Molecular Haematology],[Mol Haem],[Molecular Haematology - Molecular Studies],[MolHaem Lab]
Molecular Haematology provides specialised regional, and in some cases national, services related to the diagnosis, classification and management of a spectrum of malignant haematological disorders and inherited gene defects.
The DNA diagnostic laboratory focuses on the molecular analysis of a variety of haematological disorders:
Molecular and genetic studies of haematological malignancies, including detection of minimal residual disease
Prenatal and carrier services for the inherited coagulation and haemoglobin disorders
Molecular analysis of prothrombotic risk factors
Molecular analysis of haemochromatosis
SPECIMENS: These include peripheral blood, bone marrow, chorionic villi or amniotic fluid cells. Please see the relevant test information for specimen requirements.
For information on genetic studies not covered by Molecular Haematology see the Diagnostic Genetics page:
Diagnostic Genetics
Download: - Diagnostic Genetics Brochure.pdf
Download: Form - DiagnosticGeneticsRequestForm.pdf
To contact the Molecular Haematology team please call:
Tests Performed:
Inherited Gene Defects:
Coagulation Disorders
Haemophilia A (FVIII) Genetic Testing
Haemophilia B (FIX) Genetic Testing
- Prenatal diagnosis (chorionic villus biopsy and amniotic fluid)
- Carrier detection
- Factor Vll and Factor X deficiencies
- von Willebrand Factor (Type 2N)
- Enquire for testing on other coagulation factors
Inherited Thrombophilias
Factor V Leiden Mutation Analysis (Arg506Gln)
MTHFR Mutation Analysis (C677T)
Prothrombin Variant Mutation Analysis (G20210A)
Disorders of Haemoglobin Synthesis
- Genotypic diagnosis
- Prenatal diagnosis
Alpha Thalassaemia Mutation Analysis
Beta Thalassaemia Mutation Analysis
- HFE (Cys282Tyr)
- HFE (His63Asp)
- HFE (Ser65Cys)
Malignant Haematology:
Clonal Analysis
Immunoglobin Gene Rearrangement Analysis (IgH)
T Cell Receptor Gene Rearrangement Analysis (TCR)
Chromosomal Translocations
AML1-ETO Transcript Detection by PCR - t(8;21)
BCR-ABL Analysis by Quantitative PCR - t(9;22)
BCR-ABL Transcript Detection by PCR - t(9;22)
BCR-ABL Tyrosine Kinase Sequencing - t(9;22)
FIP1L1-PDGFRalpha Transcript Detection by PCR
IgH-Bcl2 Translocation Detection by PCR - t(14;18)
Inv(16) Transcript Detection by PCR
PML-RARalpha Transcript Detection by PCR - t(15;17)
Acquired-Mutation Analysis
Acquired-mutation analysis - Special tests
c-kit Mutation Analysis
FLT3 ITD Allelic Ratio Analysis
FLT3 Mutation Analysis
JAK2 Exon 12 Sequencing
JAK2 V617F Mutation Analysis
NPM1 Mutation Analysis
Transplant Monitoring
Chimerism Studies
T-Cell Separation
Inherited-mutation analysis - Special tests
Last updated at 15:36:59 07/03/2024