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Testosterone - free
Also known as : [Free Testosterone]

Test performed by: LabPLUS Automation

This is a calculated test.

Sex hormone binding globulin


Reference Intervals

Units: pmol/L

Adult Male 20 - 50 years

218 - 681

Adult male > 50 years

179 - 520

Adult Female 20 - 50 years

0 - 37

Adult female >50 years

0 - 24

Reference intervals are not available for persons less than 20years old.

Uncertainty of measurement : 12%

Diagnostic Use and Interpretation

Free testosterone concentration is derived by calculation from the total testosterone and the sex hormone binding globulin using the Vermeulen formula.

Free testosterone makes up approx. 2% of the circulating serum testosterone.

Free testosterone is the active form and is a more accurate index of testosterone availability to tissues.

Total testosterone provides an adequate assessment of androgen status in most men and women.

Free testosterone may be helpful in borderline cases.

Free testosterone levels less than 220 pmol/L are significantly associated with symptoms of sexual dysfunction in men (1)

The laboratory may decline a request for free testosterone if:

In these cases the total testosterone level provides unequivocal information. However, if SHBG testing is still required, please contact the on-call Chemical Pathologist for approval.

(See also testosterone, total)


1. Wu FC, Tajar A, Beynon JM et al. Identification of late-onset hypogonadism in middle-aged and elderly men. N Engl J Med;363:123-135

Contact Information

Emails to chemicalpathologist@adhb.govt.nz will receive priority attention from the on-call chemical pathologist.

If the query concerns a specific patient please include the NHI number in your email.

If email is not a suitable option, please contact the on-call chemical pathologist via Lablink (Auckland City Hospital ext. 22000 or 09-3078995).

Individual chemical pathologists may be contacted but will not be available at all times.

After-hours : contact Lablink (Auckland City Hospital ext. 22000 or 09-3078995) or hospital operator for on duty staff after hours.

Dr Samarina Musaad (Clinical Lead) : SamarinaM@adhb.govt.nz ext. 22402

Dr Cam Kyle: CampbellK@adhb.govt.nz ext 22052

Dr Weldon Chiu: WeldonC@adhb.govt.nz ext. 23427

Dr Campbell Heron: CHeron@adhb.govt.nz ext. 23427

Last updated at 09:25:30 22/01/2024