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Haemoglobinopathy Screen
Also known as : [Thalassaemia Screen]

Test performed by: LabPLUS Special Haematology

Test performed by the Special Haematology laboratory: (Ext 22065) .
For results, use ward computer or phone Lablink:   22000 or (09) 307-8995 or 0800 522 758 .

Specimen Collection

Paediatrics: 2 x 500ul Paediatric EDTA Whole Blood.


Please provide relevant clinical details on the request form including recent transfusion history.

If sample is being sent to LabPlus from outside Auckland area, please provide recent FBC results and iron studies.

Turnaround Time: Within 1 week
Diagnostic Use and Interpretation

The study is useful for identifying most cases of thalassaemia and haemoglobin variants. Any significant finding will be commented on in the report.

Haemoglobinopathy screen routinely includes:

Alpha Thalassaemia Screen

Haemoglobin A2 quantitation

Haemoglobin Chromatography

Haemoglobin F

Follow up tests performed as appropriate, or on request, include:

Fetal Red Cells(Kleihauer stain for HbF)

Haemoglobin Barts(for detection of alpha-thalassaemia in cord blood)

Haemoglobin Electrophoresis

Haemoglobin M

Haemoglobin Stability

Sickle Cell Test

Contact Information

For further information contact the Special Haematology laboratory (Ext 22065) or:

Dr Anna Ruskova                                   Ext 22137
Dr Louisa Stone                                   Ext 22062 
Dr Nikhil Rabade Ext 22071
Dr Peter Bradbeer                                             Ext 22062    

Last updated at 11:25:41 19/08/2024