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FLT3 Acquired Mutation Analysis
Also known as : [D835],[ITD]

Test performed by: LabPLUS - Dept. Diagnostic Genetics - Molecular Haematology

Specimen Collection

Note: All samples should be forwarded to LabPlus at room temperature within 24hours.


4 mL CPD Blood (Preferred)


4 mL CPD Bone Marrow (Preferred)


4 mL EDTA Blood


4 mL EDTA Bone Marrow
Turnaround Time: Within 2 weeks, 4 days
Diagnostic Use and Interpretation

This test looks for the FLT3 Internal Tandem Duplication (ITD) and D835 acquired mutations commonly seen in AML patients.

FLT3 Allelic Ratio Analysis

NPM1 Mutation Analysis

Contact Information

To contact the Molecular Haematology team please call:

Auckland City Hospital (09) 307 4949
Lablink ext 22000
Prof. Peter Browett (Haematologist) ext 9090-86281
Dr. Imogen Caldwell (Haematologist) ext 22006
Nikhil Ghallayan (Section Leader) ext 22005
Molecular Haematology Office ext 22005

For more information about the Molecular Haematology service at LabPLUS:

Molecular Haematology information page

Information on FLT3 mutations:

FLT3 is a receptor tyrosine kinase which is preferentially expressed on the surface of acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) and B cell-lineage acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (ALL) cells. Mutations in the FLT3 gene are the most frequent genetic alterations in AML patients. The majority of FLT3 mutations in AML are either internal tandem duplications (ITD) (15-35%) or a missense mutation of D835 within the activation loop (5-10%). Both of these mutations can be identified by PCR using genomic DNA. The ITD mutations can be identified directly on an agarose gel and the D835 mutations by Eco RV digestion of a PCR product.

Kiyoi H and Naoe T. Methods in Mol Med (2006), 125, 189-197.
Kiyoi H and Naoe T. Int J Hematol (2006), 83, 301-308.

Last updated at 15:36:59 07/03/2024