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Vitamin B12
Also known as : [B12],[Cobalamin]

Test performed by: LabPLUS Automation

Specimen Collection

Sample stability:


4.5 mL PST Blood (Preferred)


5 mL Heparin Blood


4 mL Plain Blood


3.5 mL SST Blood


0.5 mL Paediatric Microsample Serum


0.5 mL Paediatric Micro-SST Blood
Reference Intervals

Units: pmol/L

Reference interval: 170 - 800

The borderline range between 110 - 170 pmol/L is of uncertain clinical significance.

Conversion: pg/mL x 0.74= pmol/L

Uncertainty of Measurement: 10%

Turnaround Time: Within 1 day
Assay Method

Principle: Competitive type immunoassay with chemiluminescence detection

Reagents: Roche Vitamin b12 II

Analyser: Cobas e801

Diagnostic Use and Interpretation

The major fraction (>80%) of plasma vitamin B12 is bound to haptocorrin (transcobalamin 1), and its function is unknown. The remainder (< 20%) is bound to transcobalamin II (TCII) and it is this fraction that is biologically active (available for delivery to cells). Vitamin B12 bound to TC11 is called holotranscobalamin.

Decreased B12 level:

dietary (vegetarians); pernicious anemia; gastrectomy; atrophic gastritis; small bowel disease or resection; bacterial overgrowth); pregnancy (especially last trimester).

Raised B12 level:

vitamin therapy; myeloproliferative disorders and leukaemias; liver disease; hypereosinophilic syndrome

Other tests for vitamin B12 deficiency

Contact Information

Emails to chemicalpathologist@adhb.govt.nz will receive priority attention from the on-call chemical pathologist.

If the query concerns a specific patient please include the NHI number in your email.

If email is not a suitable option, please contact the on-call chemical pathologist via Lablink (Auckland City Hospital ext. 22000 or 09-3078995).

Individual chemical pathologists may be contacted but will not be available at all times.

After-hours : contact Lablink (Auckland City Hospital ext. 22000 or 09-3078995) or hospital operator for on duty staff after hours.

Dr Samarina Musaad (Clinical Lead) : SamarinaM@adhb.govt.nz ext. 22402

Dr Cam Kyle: CampbellK@adhb.govt.nz ext 22052

Dr Weldon Chiu: WeldonC@adhb.govt.nz ext. 23427

Dr Campbell Heron: CHeron@adhb.govt.nz ext. 23427

Dr Sakunthala Jayasinghe: Sakunthala@adhb.govt.nz ext. 23427

Last updated at 15:26:00 06/01/2025