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White Cell Cystine

Test performed by: LabPLUS Biochemical Genetics

Specimen Collection

Microcollect specimens are unsuitable. DO NOT FREEZE . Whole blood must be transported at room temperature and received in the laboratory within 24h of collection to ensure white cell viability and accurate results. Samples with clots are unsuitable .

We can accept samples up to NOON (12pm) prior to the weekend or a public holiday to allow for laboratory processing. Please inform laboratory on ext 22016 or via LabLink of specimen transport arrangements and an URGENT sticker is recommended.

EDTA8 mL EDTA Whole Blood (Always Required)

Microcollect specimens are unsuitable. Samples with clots are unsuitable.

Reference Intervals

Normal:  <0.2 nmol half-cystine/mg protein. 

Affected patients: 1.3 - 11.6 nmol half-cystine/mg protein

WBC 1/2 cystine (nmol/mg protein) UOM is 23%

Turnaround Time: 2 weeks

Test is available urgently if required contact laboratory on x22016 or via LabLink

Assay Method

Waters Acquity Amino Acid Analyser.

Pre-column derivatisation with reverse phase separation.

Diagnostic Use and Interpretation

This test is used for the diagnosis and monitoring of cystinosis.

Cystinosis is a rare disorder of lysosomal cystine transportation. It results in kidney, eye, thyroid and muscle disease. It usually presents in early childhood with failure to thrive, rickets and polyuria/polydipsia (renal Fanconi syndrome).  Diagnosis is the finding of a significantly elevated white cell cystine.

Treatment of cystinosis is with Cysteamine (Cystagon ? ). This removes lysosomal cystine. The mean elimination half-life of Cystagon capsules is approximately 1.5 hours. It is recommended that the leukocyte cystine levels should be measured 5 to 6 hours after Cystagon administration, with the goal of maintaining the levels < 1 nmol of half-cystine/mg protein.

Contact Information

For further information, contact laboratory: ext 22016 or via Lablink

or, contact the Metabolic Physician-on-call: 09 367 0000

Specimen Transport Instructions for Referring Laboratories


Whole blood must be transported at ambient temperature and be received in the laboratory within 24h of collection to ensure white cell viability and accurate results.

Samples with clots are unsuitable. Microcollect specimens are unsuitable.

We can accept samples up to NOON (12pm) prior to the weekend or a public holiday to allow for laboratory processing. Please inform laboratory on ext. 22016, by email: biogen@adhb.govt.nz or via LabLink of specimen transport arrangements and an URGENT sticker is recommended.

Last updated at 12:07:22 26/09/2024