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Go to http://testguide.adhb.govt.nz/EGuide/ for more information.

Urine Organic Acids
Also known as : [Methylmalonic acid URINE],[Orotic acid]

Test performed by: LabPLUS Biochemical Genetics

Specimen Collection
10 mL Collect Urine (Random)

Keep cool and freeze (-20o) if not sent to the laboratory within 4 hours.

A brief clinical history is essential.

Reference Intervals

This is a qualitative test

UOM: 10-40% (Semi-quantitative assay)

Turnaround Time: 3 weeks

Test is available urgently if required contact laboratory on x22016 or via LabLink

Diagnostic Use and Interpretation

This is a test for patients with symptoms suggestive of metabolic disorders.

Urine organic acids are one of the key screening tests for patients with possible metabolic disease. It is the test of choice for investigating children with suspected organic acidemias. These conditions frequently present in the neonatal period with a sepsis like illness, severe acidosis and hyperammonaemia.

They can also present at a later age with unexplained recurrent illness, developmental delay and/or hypoglycaemia/acidosis.

The 'cerebral organic acidemias' can present with just developmental delay and thus organic acids is an important screening test in children with these problems.  As ketones and lactate are organic acids, the test can be helpful in assessing conditions where ketosis or lactic acidosis are a feature. This test includes orotic acid.

Contact Information

For further information contact laboratory: ext 22016 or via Lablink.

or, Dr Callum Wilson, Metabolic Physician:  Ph  021 555 392

or, Dr Emma Glamuzina, Metabolic Physician:  Ph 021 403 617

Last updated at 10:10:36 22/01/2024