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Go to http://testguide.adhb.govt.nz/EGuide/ for more information.

Sputum and Tracheal aspirate

Test performed by: LabPLUS Microbiology

Specimen Collection


Specimens containing oral-pharyngeal material are unsuitable, and will not be processed. Repeat specimens will be requested. Sputum specimens are unsuitable for anaerobic bacteriology.

Extra tests such as Nocardia, TB, Fungal, and Atypical Pneumonia need to be clearly indicated on the request form. Note clinical condition of Bronchiectasis on request form.


Please refer to:

Legionella antigen

Legionella culture

Legionella serology

Acid fast bacilli and Cytology

Send separate specimens and forms for these tests as "splitting" of specimens will not be done.

Repeat specimens are only relevant in tuberculosis and malignancy.

Three consecutive early morning sputums are preferred when investigating for the possibility of tuberculosis.

See also:



Fungal Culture

Early morning sputa are preferred.  Collect after brushing teeth.

Collect in a sterile container.



Nocardia Culture


Nocardia culture

Atypical Pneumonia PCR panel


Atypical Pneumonia PCR panel

Turnaround Time:

Bacterial culture: negative or interim report issued after 72 hours.

Mycology: an interim report is issued on any positive culture. Negative reports are issued after 10 days.

Contact Information

For further information, contact the Microbiology Department via Lablink  or the Clinical Microbiologist:

Lablink contact details

Dr Sally Roberts , Microbiologist: ext 22705   Cellphone 021 674 140
Dr Sharmini Muttaiyah
, Microbiologist: ext 22700   Cellphone 021 615 892
Dr Mary de Almeida , Microbiologist: ext 22700    Cellphone 021 170 9117

Dr Matthew Blakiston , Microbiologist: contact via Lablink

Specimen Transport Instructions for Referring Laboratories

Specimen collected into sterile container, both request form and specimen labelled with 2 points of identification. Specimen delivered with-in 2 hours of collection when at room temperature or held at 4 degrees for less than 24 hours. Relevant clinical details and current antibiotic treatment. Tests clearly indicated.

Last updated at 11:01:02 16/09/2024