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Red Cell Reduced Glutathione

Test performed by: LabPLUS Special Haematology

NOTE: Requests must be from or approved by a Haematologist, otherwise requests will be rejected.

Glutathione or Serum Glutathione levels are not available at LabPlus.

Test performed by the Special Haematology laboratory: (Ext 22065) .
For results, use ward computer or phone Lablink:   22000 or (09) 307-8995 or 0800 522 758 .

  • 10 day prior notice is essential, due to the chemicals required, Please contact the Haematology laboratory on Ext 22065.    
  • Test performed Monday to Friday, but must be received before noon on Friday.

    Specimen Collection

    EDTA4 mL EDTA Blood
    Heparin5 mL Heparin Blood
    Reference Intervals
    Units: mmol/L red cells
    Age RangeEither Sex
    All2.3 - 3.4[1]

    [1] Coefficient of variation:       4.0% in normal range

    Turnaround Time: Within 2 days

    Test performed Monday to Friday, but must be received before noon on Friday.

    Diagnostic Use and Interpretation



    Contact Information

    For further information contact the Special Haematology laboratory (Ext 22065) or:

    Dr Anna Ruskova                                   Ext 22137
    Dr Louisa Stone                                   Ext 22062 
    Dr Peter Bradbeer                                             Ext 22062    

    Last updated at 09:21:41 07/02/2023