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Go to http://testguide.adhb.govt.nz/EGuide/ for more information.

Human Immunodeficiency Virus Viral Load
Also known as : [HIV Viral Load]

Test performed by: LabPLUS VIM Molecular Diagnostics

Relevant clinical details MUST be written on the request form otherwise the test will be declined .

Specimens from the following clinical areas/situations will be accepted:

A dedicated specimen (i.e. no other tests to be performed) is required for this assay.

Do not use heparin tubes

Do not use serum.

Viral load results may be adversely affected by delay in transport.

Specimen Collection
PPT5 mL PPT Plasma (Preferred)

The absolute minimum volume required for the test is 2.5 mL

Do not freeze unseparated PPT tubes . If the specimen requires freezing, the supernatant must be removed from the gel first.

Require dedicated PPT specimen (no other tests requested).

Transport at 2 - 8 degrees C if transport time from collection is less than 5 days.

Specimens need to be separated and frozen after 5 days. Unseparated specimens are unsuitable for analysis after this time.

EDTA4 mL EDTA Whole Blood

Require dedicated EDTA specimens (no other tests requested).

Centrifuge and separate EDTA plasma samples within 24 hours of collection into a sterile tube. 
Transport at 2 - 8 degrees C if transport time from collection is less than 24 hours. Transport frozen if more than 24 hours.

Whole blood, the absolute minimum volume required is 2.5 mL

Micro-EDTAPaediatric Micro-EDTA Whole Blood

5 full microcollect EDTA tubes required.

Must be full containers or there will be insufficient sample to assay

Turnaround Time: Within 4 days
Assay Method

The COBAS HIV-1 test is a RT/PCR based assay that effectively detects all HIV-1 group M subtypes and HIV-1 group O and group N infected patients.

Either 650uL or 350uL of specimen can be used for testing. Limit of detection for this assay is 20 - 1.0E+07 (log 1.3-7.0) HIV DNA copies/mL (3 3 - 1.67E+07 IU/mL) when 650uL, and 50 -1.00 +E07 (log 1.7-7.0) HIV RNA IU/mL (8 3 to 1.67E+07 IU/mL) when 350uL of specimen are used

The conversion factor for COBAS HIV-1 is 0.6 copies/IU as defined by the kit.    

Diagnostic Use and Interpretation


HIV Drug Resistance Genotyping

HIV Proviral DNA

Contact Information

For further information contact the laboratory  (contact via Lablink: 22000 or (09) 307-8995 or 0800 522 7587) ,or:
the Virology team virology@adhb.govt.nz


Specimen Transport Instructions for Referring Laboratories


Last updated at 15:55:05 16/09/2021