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Go to http://testguide.adhb.govt.nz/EGuide/ for more information.

HIV-1 & 2 Proviral DNA Detection
Also known as : [HIV-1 Proviral DNA Detection]

Test performed by: LabPLUS VIM Molecular Diagnostics

A dedicated specimen (i.e. no other tests to be performed) is required for this assay.

Do not use heparin tubes

Specimen Collection

The absolute minimum required for the test is 2.5 mL

EDTA4 mL EDTA Whole Blood (Always Required)

There is an absolute minimum volume for this assay of 4x full up microcollect EDTA tubes or 1x 2mL EDTA tube. If any less volume is received the specimen will not be tested.

Each request must be accompanied by a current full blood count.

EDTA blood should be sent directly to VIM, or stored in fridge at 4 degrees if overnight or weekend.

Do not separate.

Micro-EDTAPaediatric Micro-EDTA Whole Blood

5 full microcollect EDTA tubes required

The absolute minimum volume required for the assay is 2.5 mL

Turnaround Time:

Test performed as requested with result available within 10 days.

Assay Method

HIV proviral DNA detection is performed using   COBAS AmpliPrep/COBAS TaqMan HIV-1 Test, v2.0 . This test detects both DNA and RNA. All HIV-1 subtypes of group M and O are detectable with this assay.

HIV Drug Resistance Genotyping

HIV Viral Load

Diagnostic Use and Interpretation
Contact Information

For further information contact the laboratory  (contact via Lablink: 22000 or (09) 307-8995 or 0800 522 7587) ,or:
the Virology team virology@adhb.govt.nz


Last updated at 14:49:28 09/07/2020