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Diagnostic Genetics Sendaway Service Information Page
Also known as : [DNAT]

Diagnostic Genetics DNA Sendaway Service

Extraction of DNA and dispatch to international laboratories for genomic tests which are not performed at LabPLUS.   While every effort has been made to streamline this process there are transport and external laboratory requirements which can be complicated and unavoidable.  A collaborative effort between the referring clinician and our laboratory is generally required to facilitate this testing.

URGENT sendaway testing is not available without prior consultation; please contact the lab at the earliest possible convenience.

To contact the Molecular Genetics team:

Auckland City Hospital (09) 307 4949
Lablink ext 22000
Molecular Genetics Office ext 22014

Clinicians should perform the following steps to ensure samples are processed effectively:


1.       Identify the relevant Send-away Test at an Accredited Laboratory

             For reference a Diagnostic Genetics Sendaway List is available; this contains some recommended laboratories and commonly requested tests:

Download: Click here - SDNA spreadsheet 2018.pdf


2.      Fully complete a Diagnostic Genetics Sendaway Request Form

Download: FORM - Diagnostic Genetics Sendaway Form -June 2019 .docx


3.      Complete any required External laboratory request forms.  

Additional forms may be required by the testing laboratory, these are indicated on the testing laboratory website; some are given in  the Diagnostic Genetics Sendaway List.  Generally clinicians need to complete the clinical information, their own contact details, and confirmation of consent.  However completion of the form must meet all the requirements (as specified by the receiving laboratory) for the sample to be dispatched.

Please Note:  for billing through ADHB, select  institutional  billing under the relevant section.


4.     Submit completed Forms and Specimen to Molecular Genetics.

If it is urgent please contact the Molecular Genetics team well in advance of specimen collection (refer to the instructions below).  Forms sent separately from the specimen may result in delay and/or incorrect processing.


Molecular Genetics minimum referral requirements:

  • Name and specialty of referring clinician.

  • Suspected disease/diagnosis.

  • List of all symptoms/phenotypes directly relevant to this suspected diagnosis.

  • Explanation of family history (where present).

  • NHI or lab numbers of previously tested family members (if applicable).

Sendaway Referral Restrictions:

  • Most sendaway tests require a referral from a specialist clinical service.  

  • Hereditary cancer test requests must be referred through a Clinical Genetics Service, as well as any sendaway tests for Marfan syndrome (FBN1), or predictive (asymptomatic) genetic testing.

  • All referrals must include billing information and contact details prior to dispatch.

Additional Requirements for Urgent Referrals:

Urgent sendaway specimens may be delayed or not processed if contact with the Molecular Genetics laboratory has not been made well in advance of specimen collection.

Note: All urgent requests will incur additional processing and shipping charges

  • Processing charge: set as twice the standard institutional base charge for DNA sendaway.
    Priority courier charges: vary depending on the destination and may change without notification: 
    Ambient: ~400-1,200 NZD
    Frozen:   ~650-1,800 NZD

  • Information required from referring clinician.
    Intended specimen collection date.
    Communication from the testing laboratory of  specimen requirements e.g. source tissue, amount of DNA required, MCC testing.
    Confirmation from the testing laboratory that testing can be carried out within the time frame required.
    Current shipping address for the testing laboratory and; 
    Details of a contact person for the assay requested.


Specimen collection information

Click here


Laboratory Notes Only:

Registration code : DNAT

If you have any Genetic test enquires please contact Diagnostic Genetics on 22008 or 22014


Please store specimens at 4 degrees C until processed.

Last updated at 13:53:41 18/07/2024