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Bronchial washings and lavage

Test performed by: LabPLUS Microbiology

Specimen Collection

To avoid a delay in processing, it is advisable to notify the laboratory when sending specimens and of any particular requirements.

Extra tests need to be clearly written on the request form e.g. TB, Fungi, Nocardia, Atypical pneumonia. Note on request form if patient is immunocompromised, Cystic Fibrosis, Bronchiectasis, Lung transplant.

To make sure specimens are well preserved please transport on ice. Place the ice in a separate outer bag to the specimen bag to contain any 'melt' that may affect patient labels and reduce possible contamination of the specimen.

To maximise the value of cultures, note the following comments:

See also:

Atypical Pneumonia PCR panel


Turnaround Time:

Gram Stain:  available same day or urgently on request.

Routine bacteria: negative or interim report issued at 72 hours.

Mycology: an interim report is issued on any positive culture. Negative reports are issued after 14 days

Contact Information

For further information, contact the Microbiology Department via Lablink  or the Clinical Microbiologist:

Lablink contact details

Dr Sally Roberts , Microbiologist: ext 22705   Cellphone 021 674 140
Dr Sharmini Muttaiyah
, Microbiologist: ext 22700   Cellphone 021 615 892
Dr Mary de Almeida , Microbiologist: ext 22700    Cellphone 021 170 9117

Dr Matthew Blakiston , Microbiologist: contact via Lablink

Last updated at 11:01:02 16/09/2024