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Short Description : Tuberculous specimens

Test performed by: LabPLUS Microbiology

Specimen Collection

Sputum (Expectorated / Induced)

Collect one specimen a day for three successive days into wide mouthed leak proof containers.

Body fluids

Pleural and other body fluids to be collected into citrate bottle.


Small biopsy material should be placed in sterile saline or distilled water. Larger specimens in sterile pot with no additives. Do not use formalin.


Aspirates or pus swabs should be sent in a sterile container.

Blood culture

Collect a maximum of 5 mL into Myco-F-Lytic blood culture bottles. Please request these bottles from the laboratory. 


Three early morning specimens in TB gastric - urine bottles (an adequate specimen of 60 mL must be sent). A 24 urine hour specimen will not be processed.

Gastric washings

Early morning fasting specimen in TB gastric - urine bottle, collected before the patient rises. The total gastric contents are required in the special gastric/urine bottles.  These bottles contain bicarbonate to neutralise the acidity of the specimen.  Mycobacteria become nonviable in an acid medium.

Bone marrow

Cultured at time of collection (maximum 5 mL) into Myco-F-Lytic blood culture bottles. Please request these bottles from the laboratory.


10-20 ml of CSF is recommended for the investigation of M. tuberculosis meningitis (in adults). Collect in sterile CSF tubes. Specimens of sufficient volume will undergo mycobacterial culture and MTB PCR (GeneXpert MTB/RIF assay). Specimens with a normal white cell count or inadequate volume will not be routinely processed.

Atypical Mycobacteria/MAIC organisms

Collection of specimens is as above.

Turnaround Time:

Specimens must reach the laboratory before 1000 hours for the smear result to be available on the same day.

Positive cultures of acid-fast bacilli are reported immediately growth occurs (minimum 4 days), while negative culture results will not be available for 6 weeks.

Please telephone the laboratory before sending an urgent specimen.

Diagnostic Use and Interpretation

Culture identification

A Tb antigen test to confirm or exclude Mycobacterium tuberculosis is performed on all new cultures. A DNA probe to identify M. avium   complex is performed as required. Identification of significant non-tuberculosis mycobacteria may take up to two weeks.

Drug susceptibility

Note : Clarithromycin is the only drug tested against M. avium complex.

Also see:

Mycobacterium avium complex PCR

Mycobacterium tuberculosis PCR

QuantiFERON-TB Gold

Contact Information

For further information, contact the Microbiology Department via Lablink  or the Clinical Microbiologist:

Lablink contact details

Dr Sally Roberts , Microbiologist: ext 22705   Cellphone 021 674 140
Dr Sharmini Muttaiyah
, Microbiologist: ext 22700   Cellphone 021 615 892
Dr Mary de Almeida , Microbiologist: ext 22700    Cellphone 021 170 9117

Dr Matthew Blakiston , Microbiologist: contact via Lablink

Specimen Transport Instructions for Referring Laboratories

Specimens and referred cultures must have at least two identification points , preferably name and NHI number.


Specimens for example sputum, are to be transported chilled.

Cultured isolates

Referred Mycobacterium cultures must be sent at ambient temperature and under required IATA UN2814 (Infectious substances) regulations.

Last updated at 11:01:02 16/09/2024