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Test performed by: LabPLUS - Dept. Diagnostic Genetics - Cytogenetics

Molecular Cytogenetics (FISH)

Use the link below to view all currently available FISH probes.

FISH probe list

Download: - DG req form - fillable.pdf

Diagnostic Genetics Request Form

Specimen Collection

Specimen Requirements:

6 x slides of ~4 um thickness   Paraffin embedded tissue. 

1 x H&E stained slide with the area of interest marked.

Requests for FISH HER2 testing:

Requests for FISH testing can be made using the Diagnostic Genetics request form found on the Lab Plus website and Test Guide.

All specimens sent must be accompanied by the following:

  • Two forms of matching identification on both the slides and the form .
    If these do not match, LabPlus policy requires a specimen labelling error form to be sent to the clinician,
    and although the specimen may be processed,   a result will not be released until the form is received back.

  • A marked H+E slide with the area/s to be targeted
    If multiple areas are targeted, please indicate whether they need to be analyzed separately.

  • An IHC HER2 slide with the area of highest intensity staining targeted if staining is not uniform

  • A copy of the pathology report

  • Additional relevant information .
    This includes whether the specimen has been decalcified or has undergone additional histological processing,
    areas of different morphology within the tumour sample, and the presence of more than one tumour within the sample.

Failure to include relevant information may result in a reporting delay, as consultation with LabPlus pathologists may be required.

*In case of an equivocal FISH result, the report will not be released without IHC score.

Turnaround Time: 5 days
Diagnostic Use and Interpretation

Breast cancer HER2 FISH

HER2 FISH testing at Lab Plus on breast cancer is performed according to the following guidelines:
Human Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor 2 Testing in Breast Cancer: American Society of Clinical Oncology/College of American Pathologists Clinical Practice Guideline Update (2023) Wolff, A.C. et al . Journal of Clinical Oncology vol.41 (22) pp3867-3876.

Algorithm for evaluation of human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2) genes by Wolff et al . (2018)

Gastric cancer HER2 FISH

HER2 FISH for gastric cancer follows a separate testing algorithm outlined by Bartley, A.N. et al. (2016). HER2 Testing and Clinical Decision Making in Gastroesophageal Adenocarcinoma. Arch Pathol Lab Med Vol 140;1345-1363.
More references on gastric cancer:
[1] Hofmann,M. Histopathology  2008 vol.52: 797?805.
[2] Ruschoff,J. Modern Pathology 2012 vol.25: 637?650

Contact Information

To contact the FISH team:

Auckland City Hospital (09) 307 4949
Diagnostic Genetics ext 22008
FISH Office  ext 22007
Dr. Jan Serfontein  ext 23538

Last updated at 12:03:35 10/12/2024