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LabPLUS Test Guide

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Turn Around Times and Urgent Requests

The turn around times (TAT) for most assays are included in the assay entry in Test Guide. If it is not, please contact the department providing the assay. If a quicker TAT than is stated is required, the attending clinician will need to contact a pathologist in the department providing the assay.

Pathologist Approval for Laboratory Tests

Vetting Policy

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LabPlus is the Auckland City Hospital medical diagnostic laboratory. We offer a comprehensive pathology service for Auckland City Hospital, National Women's Hospital, Starship Childrens Hospital, and the Greenlane Clinical Centre.

We are the tertiary referral laboratory for most of the North Island of New Zealand and have strong links with the University of Auckland Medical School.

LabPlus is accredited by IANZ (International Accreditation New Zealand). We are New Zealand's premier medical diagnostic laboratory.

Should you have any issues with the functioning of this Test Guide, please contact labpluslis@adhb.govt.nz

Any queries as to the content should be directed to the individual departments, most easily contacted through Lablink.

Lablink contact details

Range Of Tests

Chemical Pathology

Specialist Chemistry:


Newborn Screening

For more information on specific section and key contacts please click on the link below:

Chemical Pathology Homepage

Newborn Screening



Microbiology includes the following services:

We are also the New Zealand reference centre for Anaerobes and Mycology, and one of the New Zealand reference centres for Mycobacterium.

For further information, please visit:

Anaerobic laboratory homepage

Microbiology homepage

Mycology homepage

Tuberculosis laboratory homepage

Diagnostic Genetics


Molecular Genetics

Molecular Haematology

Virology and Immunology

Virology and Immunology

Anatomical Pathology

Anatomical pathology

Pre-Analytical Services


The intellectual information contained in the Electronic Handbook is protected by copyright: Auckland District Health Board. No part may be used without the express permission of the contributors. Contributors to this document and the Auckland District Health Board shall not under any circumstances be liable for the completeness or accuracy of the information contained in the document, or for any injury to persons arising from the use of this information.

This document is intended as a guide to individual testing on the basis of clinical findings and should not be used as a complete or authorative statement of such testing.

Last updated at 09:42:36 03/12/2024