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Go to http://testguide.adhb.govt.nz/EGuide/ for more information.

Retinal antibodies

Test performed by: LabPLUS Support Services transport this to a 3rd party for testing

This test may be vetted by a pathologist.

The clinical information for the test must be clearly written on the request form. If clinical information is not provided, or does not provide sufficient justification for the test, the test may be declined.

Declined tests :

If a test is declined, the specimen will be held for a reasonable period (usually 3 weeks but dependant on the viability of the sample). Medical practitioners seeking approval for a declined test should email the LabPLUS Immunology Team , giving the patient's name and NHI number and the clinical justification for the test. If unable to email, call the on-call Immunologist via Lablink (09-3078995).

Test vetting policy

This test sent to the Ocular Immunology Laboratory at Casey Eye Institute 

The completed requisition form for the Ocular Immunology Laboratory needs to be completed and sent with the specimens.

Please contact the laboratory before sending samples to ensure that the correct paperwork is completed to avoid delay or non-processing of sample. 

Download: Requisition Form - Ocular Immunology Laboratory, Oregon (version Jan 2019).pdf

Specimen Collection
SST3.5 mL SST Serum (Preferred)
Plain4 mL Plain Serum

Last updated at 17:23:38 03/05/2022